In-home Euthanasia and Palliative Care

Dear all,

After a lot of soul searching, I have decided to close my business. It has been an honor to help so many families and wonderful animals over the past several years. I have laughed with many of you as you told me stories of your beloved pets when they were young and healthy (and often naughty), and cried with even more of you when we helped them die with dignity in their own homes or a special place that brought them comfort.

I still continue to struggle with how to let go (even though I know it’s the best decision for my family and me), and in many ways this process has been a lot like deciding to euthanize a very ill pet. I kept trying to continue on a little longer, hoping that things will “turn around” (haven’t we all been there?). But once I really sat in the still, quiet place in my mind and actually made the final decision to close my doors and start looking for another practice to join, I felt that awful mix of emotions that comes with doing the right thing (even though it’s hard): grief, peace, relief, guilt, shame. It’s a stew of emotions that I know most of you are familiar with because you are in the process of making a difficult decision for your own family and pet.

While I know that I will not be continuing my business as a sole endeavor (ie - I’ll be joining another practice and performing other aspects of vet med), I also am acutely aware that there are areas of western Oregon that no other mobile vet service will travel to. In particular, the Oregon coast and many of the rural communities just outside the larger cities. My hope is that even once I am employed elsewhere, I can still provide some assistance to these under-served areas. If you have contacted other mobile vets and have found that you fall into this category, please feel free to reach out to me and we can discuss if I can be of service.

Thank you to all the families that have trusted me with their pets. I am grateful for your kindness and generosity, and I hope that your hearts continue to heal as you work through the pain that comes from losing a beloved family member.

Compassionate end-of-life care

for your constant companion
